Coach House Designs US

Community Garden Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern


Coach House Designs US

Community Garden Downloadable PDF Quilt Pattern



 Delicate blossoms, lush greenery, and community - the inspiration behind my new quilt pattern "Community Garden". With its blossoming blocks, this 64" x 76" lap quilt is all piecing and no applique. It features the fabric line "Imaginary Flowers" by Gingiber for Moda Fabrics. But the pattern would look great in any floral fabric.

Imaginary Flowers will be shipping to your favorite quilt shop in February 2024, but the pattern is available now!

Click here for pattern update

This pattern is FabSwitch compatible. FabSwitch is my free app which allows you to switch out the fabrics in the original design with current fabrics preloaded in the app or with fabrics that you load yourself.  You can then print out a revised picture with an updated fabric requirements list.  Check out my demo video on the home page.  The app is found online at